Friday 26 December 2014


I can’t recall where I read this ultimately lifeless narration of the most amazing product on  the planet.

“Dark Chocolate is included in the Healing Foods Pyramid as part of a balanced, whole foods, plant-based diet. This Food Pyramid emphasizes foods that nourish the body, sustain energy over time, contain healing qualities and essential nutrients, and support a sustainable environment...”
Isn’t it just scandalous and even barbaric use such wording to describe one of the most favored snacks in the world?

What about saying instead:

Experience the impeccable balance of bitter velvety chocolate and rich ingredients that produce sharp, crisp sound and clean edge when you broke it.

Now for the tasting...

Did you know that chocolate has over 400 distinct flavor compositions?

That’s even more than in fine wine.

The key to getting the most from your chocolate is to let it melt slowly on your tongue.
 As it disintegrates, it will start to release flavors.
Some chocolates have just a couple of identifiable flavor notes, but a well-made chocolate with great quality cocoa beans can take you on a real journey.

It might be fruity, floral, earthy or spicy, but the chances are the flavours you pick up will evolve as the chocolate melts. 
A good chocolate will also leave a lasting aftertaste in your mouth.
This “finish” can stay with you for several minutes after the chocolate has melted and is part of the reason you only need a small piece of chocolate to get the best possible experience.

The only thing left now is to start the luxurious journey to satisfaction.

Day trip to Cape Liptrap

Another summer day and we were heading toward one of the most magnificent coastal parks in Victoria the Cape Liptrap. Picturesque drive through country and green fields consequently transferred us into the peaceful and relaxed frame of mind.
I embrace the thrill of this indulgence and delight. My expectation was towering even steeper of what lay ahead. We disembark and witness the almost abandoned stretching shore with it breathtaking scenery. The sky is a mixture of the paint stain of turquoise, milky and ashen and that is simultaneously stunning and fascinating.
Then my attention flips to the explosion of the waves, the roar, the blast and the crash of tides. When we stroll onward we witness people doing the twist and hunt in the shallow water. It was not some peculiarly rare surf dance cult in action; they were as a matter of fact hunting for pipis.

The art is to wander down to approximately half way between the constant water zone and the arid sand and then kickoff performing the twist.
The general rule is to detect one and then will commonly be others adjoin.


Pipis are shellfish that tend to live in the surf zone on spacious beaches. Some people use them as bait for a range of ocean and estuary species; others cook them in various compelling and intriguing ways. The real thrill of eating pipis is the knowing that you found them yourself, someplace on the coast, on your little stretch of Aussie beach.
We agreed to endeavour our karma next time.

We pursue with our walkabout.
Summer-like fresh, crisp and raw breeze were fondling and kissed my skin. All my senses are on bursting alert, and it is sensational and electrifying in sync. I acknowledge saltiness on my lips and in the breeze. I attempt to inhale the breath of the wind to recollect of what it revives. It transforms me back to this warm and cozy place where I so often run away when trying to relax. I found this spot, and I need to memorise it for inevitable reference. I am so happy that I elect to go through synonyms of high spirits in my mind. There are innumerable, and that is ecstatic.
What a phenomenal day…