Thursday 15 March 2018

The man with the van or power of perspective...

We see final post images...
The story behind and the complexity are left hidden.
What kind of mood I am on while capturing the moment?
What I am actually trying to say...

The power of perspective is about the angle of my camera,my proxomity to the subject and what I included in the frame.

I like to play with human imagination,eye and sometimes sense of humour.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Photography is a love affair with life

I can not even recall the exact moment when I fell in love...with photography.
I started seeing and creating a world as it is.
The golden moments that we miss as we pass without seeing.

I also noticied that it is not taking the photo, it is  making it what I want it to be and not necesseraly what it was.
It is an art that a I can personalise.
On the funny note it is the only hobby that you can shoot people and cut their heads off without going to jail:)

I am far away from being good,but I believe in myself and photography is like a good wine ,they get better with age and of course practise.

My goal is to be better than I was yesterday ...
I compete with no one but myself...
This is my journey and I have full intention of enjoying the ride.

This is my life and I am the driver...
Lets see where it will take me.